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 douglas a c fur & feather

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Posts : 88
Join date : 2011-04-15
Age : 62
Location : isle of man

douglas a c  fur & feather Empty
PostSubject: douglas a c fur & feather   douglas a c  fur & feather Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2012 3:15 am

Despite the windy conditions there was an excellent turnout of 25 anglers for the clubs annual fur & feather competition held on the Victoria pier.
There was all the usual banter & Mick taking going on between the salt & the freshwater sections of the club, but it was rocky Moore who is more at home on the reservoir who had the last laugh by taking the top spot with a dogfish of 2-05.4 and the £ 24 pool money that went along with it.
There were three pools on the night, rocky Moore took one with his dogfish of 2-05.4, the lightest dogfish went to m.cooper 1-00.2 & heaviest other went to Chris Roberts with a pouting of 8 oz.
There were seventeen anglers who managed to weigh in, which determines the pecking order for the prizes, but no one ever goes home empty handed as ALL members receive a prize, and not to mention ‘there’s always the raffle’, and a fantastic raffle it was.
The club would like to thank all those who took the time to make sandwiches , cakes and soup for all to enjoy halfway through the competition and for all the wonderful raffle prizes donated by our members and mr Alan brew.
The clubs next competition is the last leg of the winter rover which has a rearranged start time of 6pm booking in from 5pm at the blue gate.

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Posts : 1931
Join date : 2010-02-08
Age : 64
Location : Isle of Man

douglas a c  fur & feather Empty
PostSubject: Re: douglas a c fur & feather   douglas a c  fur & feather Icon_minitimeTue Dec 11, 2012 3:29 am

Cheers Billy, nice report,but where are the piccys Question Question

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